Welcome to the Extreme Mustang Makeover Trainer Blog. Extreme Mustang Makeover trainers are a dedicated bunch of men and women who are using their incredible talents to train these amazing horses. Here you'll be able to share in their journey as they tell their own stories of connection, triumph and victory in building their unique bond with an American Mustang. Enjoy!


Great to see everyone doing so well with their yearlings, just remember to keep asking in different ways, they will answer in their own time, be persistant, and patient, they will come around. Not too much new to say, worked on some reigning and leg pressure. "JUST ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE" Will work on some new things tomorrow, gotta keep posting or Me Mom will get me. LOL robbie_daughtry@yahoo.com

sunday's work

ok i know im a little late blogging, but this is what we accomplished on sunday, i can finally touch fancy without being in the chute:)
i got to pet her forehead, then gradually worked to pet her jaw bone, she didnt enjoy that too much until she realized hey this isint hurting me at all! i guess she can do it. well after i got her jaw bone and forehead pets, without her pulling away i was able to pet her side all the way up to her withers, but she pulled when i went past that, i dont think she likes me being on her side instead of in front of her. we led around some more and i can finally lead walking close to her! then we worked on petting her left jawbone and neck, she wasnt too sure about and moved her head in the way the first few times, but she got the hang of it and it wasnt too bad after all.!

so then we introduced, " the hand" !! ha she jumped away from it for as long as she could and then finally realized its was the same thing i had and let me rub her all over with it! well first my stpedad did it for me because a few minutes earlier something scared her and she took off running leaving me with major rope burn! ouch so mr. robert rubbed her everywhere with the hand! and i mean everywhere and she was for the most part ok with that. then i pet her with the hand and she did real good but i couldnt do a whole lot since the burn was on my right hand, and im right handed, i kinda had to reverse everything and attempt using the left hand, not so easy.


Ergon Giving a Bow

I just wanted to ad a few more pics. My Ergon giving a bow to the family audience. Also him just taking a break. Sorry these pics aren't so clear, I took them at dusk.

I have been really loving all the blogs and photos everyone is putting on here. Keep up the good work.

Tuff & Kirstin cont'd

After training, Kirstin decided it was time to get Tuff used to water. As hot as it is here, you would think that this would feel really great. Tuff just wasn't too sure about the wet stuff coming out of the green thing. This is the one & only time that we have seen Tuff disagree with what Kirstin was asking of him. He fought it for a little while, but...

once he figured out that the green thing wasn't a horse eater, and that the wet stuff felt really good, he calmed down and let Kirstin finish.

Kirstin & Tuff-lungeing

Tuff has become a lungeing pro. He has gotten really good with the commands, changes directions really well and Kirstin even has him facing up on whoa. By the end, Tuff was following Kirstin like a puppy dog. He is a really smart yearling and soaks up what Kirstin teaches him. He hasn't forgotten anything yet even though he had somewhat of a break this weekend. Kirstin was kind of busy. She had a playday on Saturday-she posted the colors for the playday, took home 1st place in cloverleaf barrels and 2nd place in straight away barrels and then on Sunday she went to a bridal fair with her older sister who is getting married later this year.

Tuff has even learned to stand until Kirstin calls him in. He is such a sweetie.

This is my Buddy Joe Ride'n his Mustang Can Dot It.
This guy has come a long way in just 17 days.
I can't believe how well he is doing in such a short time.
He is really moving good off of leg pressure he will move his hips around real nice he is a little sticky with his shoulders, not wanting to cross over but I think he will snap out of that, we just have to keep him driving forward and I think he will come around.
Well Rock On Joe keep ride'n that horse because that is what gets them broke.
Rock On,

J-DUB for Joe Gray

What is up Amigos!!!
J-DUB here just rocking like a rock star.
I have been working by two mustizzles and they are doing so good it is unbeliveable.
I have had to give my little Bay pony a few days off. He cut his right front leg on a fence and it got a little swollen so we are focusing on the ground work with him right now.
My big Black brother from another mother is doing good.
I used him to push the little guy around the pen today.
I also got a couple of shots of me taking my Buddy Joes' mustang for a couple loops around the pasture. His name is Can Do It and boy can he do it...... He is really doing great.
Rock On Homies and keep Ride'n Dem Ponies
Peace Out,

Me and Ergon NO Fences

I wanted to let you all in on our new adventures. The last couple of days has been extremely hot. So I have to do my training late in the evenings. Today we made a lot of progress. From riding in the round pen to riding in a 3 acre pasture to going on a trail ride adventure 2 miles long.
We went through a milo field, up and over canals and a 4-wheeler maze. Oh, what a day !!
He took it really well like a giant sponge. Oh, and some more exciting news. I finally got him to lope.
Better go for now, tomorrow will be here before we know it. All you trainers keep up the good work !! Can't wait to meet ya'all in Fort Worth.

Youth Rodeo on Sunday

We went to Saddle Creek Church Youth Rodeo with our two interns and our youngest son we came home with 3 Buckles and two Halters. The kids cleaned up. The interns are barrowing one of our horses to compete on while their Mustangs are in training. They rode Barrels, Poles, Key Hole and Flag. It was so hot but today right back to work. It was nice and cool we had rain and clouds all day so we didn't start working horses till noon. The girls did the chores this morning and Harold and I slept in till 7am I don't think we have done that since Christmas day.! It was nice.

Thank you to Allen Samuels Autoplex for the donations to the Youth Rodeo.

You others kids that are posting about your Yearlings. Good Job I am enjoying seeing your progress. I bet your folks are so proud. I cant wait till the next one, my interns and son are interested in trying it. My interns each adopted a BLM TIP horse and are enjoying learning right along with them. It is not an easy task as you well know, but so rewarding.


Hi everyone, here are a few pictures of my two mustangs. The little black one is doing really well. He's one of the most easy going horses I've ever worked with. I worked with him for about ten minutes today and was able to teach him to lay down. The big one is still making progress. I jumped up and laid across his back today. In his own personal way, that's a pretty big accomplishment.


Sometimes you just have to be silly! My girls and I were at the Sonic Drive-In talking about the horses we might get in Paul Valley for EMM 09....and we got to talkin' about Mark Lyons and his mustang Christian and how awesome they were last year and how we really think Mark's moustache is so cool.......and the picture says it all......

Mark....we're not nearly as cool lookin in ours!

take a bow!

june 28, 2009.
tabasco is coming right along!


Went riding today with Brandon and Freckles Today, Element seemed a little jumpy, finally moved up to a lope, first time was kinda collected and smooth, second time He laid his ears back and broke loose, didn't stop till we got to the fence, didn't know if he was gonna run through it or try to jump, but I got his head turned and he stopped and finally settled down. Got passed that step, but needs a lot of round pen work. Keep your eyes open for Brandon in the future, he is really interested in joining EMM as a trainer.

I think he's gonna be great at it. robbie_daughtry@yahoo.com

Zeek and Biscuit

Biscuit was saddled for the first time this evening! He did great. He is such a pleasure to watch. Sorry no pictures I was horseback on one of our colts. So I needed both hands on the reins. But I got done in time to take photos of Zeek being ponied for the first time. Murphy is my husband daughters horse he is such a champ when it comes to working the new colts. He is always in the right spot. He doesn't miss a beat. I have to brag a little here on my step daughter she is a 3rd year Pre Vet college student, I also believe but don't quote me her minor is in the Equine breeding program. She goes to U of A. She is here in Texas with us for the summer doing intern work with our vet Matt at Independence Equine in Gainesville. Shout to Matt Thank you. She is getting a lot of hands on experience. After her long days there she helps with our TIP program. Like I said we are a family ran operation from cleaning stalls to riding the horses. We all pitch in. It was 12 midnight here Sorry for the picture being so dark but using the cool hours to work. As you see I need to get the tractor out and change some lights. I'll get to that when there is more time and more sleep. LOL! I only had a few minutes before getting back to riding my own colts, but as you see Zeek is a just a little weary of Murphy. He was just getting comfy with Harold on the ground. This was a huge step for him. As you can see we are constantly working so the horse trailers new home is inside the arena for trailer loading practice with the MMO's and TIP horses. Off to bed 7 am comes early we have church and a Youth Rodeo tomarrow afternoon. No sleep for the wicked. Thank GOD Church in Texas dose not start until 10am we can get chores done before we leave.

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more tabasco please!

hey y'all! my yearling's name has finally been selected, and i've fallen in love with the name tabasco! it suits him well! he's coming right along, and for now our biggest accomplishment is being able to lift his front two feet up and set them down! y'all can check out my blog for more details about our learning experience so far! i'll keep reading up on y'all!
keep up on the good work,



I have named my horse Rainmaker. Notice the storm brewing in the back ground in a couple of the pictures. He has brought some welcome rain to West Texas! He is doing great. I really like him and plan on using him a lot on the ranch. He'll get lots of miles and drag lots of calves - I'm sure he'll love it! He is a curious and kind horse. My wife and I both think a lot of him.

Horses being therapy

I will tell you all the words of a poet once said it best!

The Outside of a horse is the best therapy for the inside of a human!

As Harold's wife and partner I do Equine Assisted Therapy. You can check it out on my website www.horseswithheart.com/ I have been doing therapy with Youth, Adolescents and Adults for the past 5 years. It is the most amazing thing you have ever seen as some of you have experienced god did make angles with 4 hooves and no wings. I have experienced gods blessings many times. Throughout my life with horses I just never realized how much one horse can change so many lives individually and as families and groups. I have one mare that I brought to Texas with me from the Treatment Center I worked at and she has done some of the experiential over 100 times with different patients or clients each time and she never responds the same way, even though she knows the rules and they don't. I honestly believe god works through them when he feels he needs too. Horses have the closest reactions to a human you can get. Even though they don't speak with words. They see, hear, and react 70 time faster than we do so they know what we are doing before we do. If we listen they will speak, just not in words but actions and body language. This is not a make over horse but this is Bugs one of our TIP Horses that will be leaving us soon to her new family. These horses have boundaries, and trust issues just like us. These guys need us to teach them as they teach us and for us to remember it is not were we want them to be but were they are and were we are and some of us just need a little more time. Others of us horses and humans alike just want to be needed. So their is always a time to expand and time to release. So you that have not gotten as far as others in 12 days do not worry it will come. Just remember to listen and learn what they are trying to tell you. Good Luck to all of you. I love to hear the progress. Zeek and Biscuit are progressing well. We have a trusting and wanna do everything guy (Biscuit) and a I'm not sure if I can trust you totally (ZEEK)but I'm trying so hard. And he really is trying very hard I post pictures of tonight's works later this evening.


Fancy and leading!

hey all you bloggers! it's caitlyn and fancy, well i did it, i can finally lead fancy...after its day 12, but we'll leave out that little detail nobody needs to know:) every horse learns at its own pace right? well she has been haultered with a lead rope dangling on her for a while now i just never could touch it. so last night we hooked a longer lead rope onto the one already on her and let her go to the round pen. well she can somewhat lead now, i can't get very close but i'm not pushing what i've got done so far, we'll save the touching for today! sorry the picture is so dark, the only somewhat cool art of the day is around sunset.. best time to get work done! ha well everyone keep up your good work!

Kirstin & Tuff

So this little guy never ceases to amaze us. He is the most absorbent sponge I have ever seen. Kirstin spends the largest portion of training him in the morning when I'm at work and in the evening she goes over what she did in the morning with him. We then discuss what she will be doing the next day. She just wanted to give this a try, she had never done this before with any horse. So I agreed that she could give it 1 shot but that she couldn't frustrate him by making him do something he wasn't ready to do. Luckily I had my camera ready because Tuff went straight down into a bow. He looks real pretty doing his first bow, doesn't he?


Robbie, all I can say is WOW! Amazing story I had to explain to everyone around me why I have tears in my eye. I feel very strongly that these horses possess magical powers unseen to many. I have seen it in my daughter, Kirstin and that is why she is involved with the Makeover now. When she was only 12, she didn't seem to have much determination to do anything, she had no interest other than horses. Enter her first mustang, Sakari. At 12, Kirstin gentled this wild horse and taught her basic stuff like leading. But, she gave Kirstin the one thing Kirstin was lacking and that was confidence in herself-that she could do anything if she tried. As you can see, she is now a very outgoing young lady who has a purpose in her life now. She excels in school and is now involved in many different activities. These are truly magnicent animals!


Element or Angel ?

I read an article at the first of this EMM involvement, about people claiming mustangs being very spiritual and having healing powers. I'm sure ya'll can already tell I think the world of this horse. I have probably started over 200 colts in my 44 years here and never met one like him. After meeting him, I have found so many good qualities in myself I had forgotten, or never knew were even there. Sometimes I really wonder who is training who here. I most definitely believe they do have healing powers. Do Angels come with 4 feet and no wings? By the way this is the first tattoo I have ever got. pic is not that good, but we just got out of a rainstorm. robbie_daughtry@yahoo.com

Here are a couple of pictures of my two mustangs. The little black guy is doing pretty well. We jumped over these barrels today and rode around outside checking out some pretty scary stuff. The big horse is doing better too. I can catch him easily now and he's starting to lead pretty well. I ponied him today to help get his feet moving a little better.


Element Day 12

We are swinging loops now, Element took that pretty well, he is gonna make a tough ranch hand, he is a workaholic. Even with a different headstall that didn't fit right and wouldn't go any smaller in a hurry, and didn't have much time today. Started standing on the saddle when the bottom dropped out, and a much needed rain came in, so we hightailed it to cover. He is a sweetheart, but I may be wicked eneough to melt if I get wet LOL.... robbie_daughtry@yahoo.com

Kirstin, Tuff & Trigger

A couple of pics of Kirstin ponying Tuff. He did alright, but hasn't quite got the hang on following so closely to another horse. It didn't help that Trigs was trying to show Tuff who was boss horse by snapping at him a couple of times-completely uncharacteric for Trigger, he is normally a very laid back horse.

But in the end all turned out well and Tuff gets a little loving from Kirstin.

Hi everybody. My name is Ty Brazeal and I'm in Bosque Farms , NM. I haven't had internet access for a couple of weeks so I'm just now joining the blog. I picked up two mustangs in Pauls Valley on June 12 for the event in Ft Worth. My little black mustang is a making great progress. I was able to ride him on our sixth day back home and this weekend I hauled him to the Hammers and Hooves Horse Fair for three days where we did a colt starting demonstration. He did amazingly well seeing all the other horses and people, but he did try to buck me off once. We're back home now and he's doing really well. Yesterday he learned how to jump big plastic barrels. My big mustang isn't coming along as quickly. It took me three days just to touch him and almost a week to halter him. I have him leading now and can touch him all over so we are making steady progress. Here are a few pictures from the horse fair we went to.

Introducing Samson

Here is a wonderful little horse with no mane-thus his name!! Would have showed him off earlier but my digital is broken-this is picture from cell. Samson has been a delightful journey so far-including our exciting start on his second day home. Your can read about that on his blog. He is so willing to learn-sometimes alittle stubborn-but aren't we all? We have gotten a good start I believe. Groundwork proceeding slowly and steadily, trailered, feet. First mount was on Father's Day. Running into a real heat issue here which is slowing me down alittle - but we will just keep plugging along. Such an extraordinary difference from our 2007 EMM horse- at this stage of the game we couldn't even touch him!!!


hey everyone, meet Fancy!
this is Caitlyn, and i finally gave my yearling a nmae, now i've gotta get on the ball and figure out how to let mrs. fancy to let me touch her and get her trust, i've ran her through the chute we have, and pet her but she still can't stand to let me get near her face, i guess cause then she realizes that i'm actually touching her and doesn't want any part of that. i can pet her back and rump... but only in the chute. i've also worked her in the round pen to try and work on join-up, she also doesn't seem to want any part of that either. well hopefully verry soon i will be blogging so happily, that i can touch and lead mrs. fancy!! till then bye keep up the good work yall are doing and can't wait to see you in ft. worth:)

Kirstin & Tuff

Kirstin is training Tuff to be patient with her and to respect her space. In this picture, she drew a large circle around her and Tuff could not cross the line plus he had to keep his eye on her the entire time teaching him patience and that he is to look to Kirstin for instructions. She has only been working on this for 2 days and he already has it mastered. As a matter of fact, he learned to stay and come to Kirstin on cue using this technique.

Here Kirstin is desensitizing him to having a rope thrown all over his body. He wasn't in the least bit concerned about the rope wrapping around his hind feet. He has gotten really good about having his hooves handled.
This was Tuff's first time being led around outside of the round pen. He was a little bit nervous and would lean into Kirstin so she has found something new to work on. Morning time she is only allowed to work in the round pen because her father & I are at work, but evening time she now gets to take him out & walk him around. and she is finding out that what worked really great in the round pen where Tuff was comfortable now needs to be worked on outside the pen where he is a little bit unsure of everything.

Element Day 11

I think this is day 11, not sure gotta send this out to Cody, Ya'll gotta lot of swamps and muddy water in Miss. We were workin on that today, just in case we come see ya"ll THIS HORSE WILL RIDE LIKE THEM DOGS"LL HUNT lOVE YA"LL........ robbie_daughtry@yahoo.com

Old Photo

Ok I think this time the photo will upload I had to change the size on my phone so we can actually see them.
Here is Zeek after Harold first Haltered him.
I changed the size on the camera photo options so Biscuits picture is better. I barrowed a dig camera today still waiting to see if they can fix mine after I dropped it and messed up the zoom. I loved that camera and they dont make them anymore. So I waiting to see if it can be fixed. I am waiting for the bathing photos to be sent to me.




Check the links below to visit additional blogs by our great EMM Trainers!

Mary Berlauk
Caroline Lynch
Diane Ward
Randy Speegle
Kelsey Hooper
Mary Miller Jordan
Holly Davis
Pat Fredericksen
Lonnie Aragon
Kalyn Dixon
Matthew & Christen Bonn
Cindy Branham
Mary Gates
Heath Marshall
Jessica Dabkowski
Andraya Lee
Karina Lewis
Janet Titus
Alyssa Radtke
Jamie Thomas
Jenna Nelson
Blake Ovard
Ethan Lee
Matthew Clauson
Becky Brown
Robbie Daughtry
David Padgett
Helena Hattendorf
Brock Griffith
Rebecca Rodden
Jessica Frantz
Emily Thomas
Maygan Nelson
Dale Lively
Amber Rain Matthewson
Davin Rudy
Lorrie Grover
Nik & Kris Kokal
Rita McMillan
Serena Johnson
Kelly Haydon
Sue Watkins
Jennifer & Becky White
Kristy Reed
Michelle Myers
Siobhan O'Connell
Marsha Hartford
Kevin Sink
Tracey Westbury
Tracey Westbury
Kristina Ellis
Weston & Jasmine Ison
Heidi Banks
Wess Hicks
Michelle Stemerick
Heath Marshall
Jimmy Thomas
Karen Cooper
Judy Ballenger
Judy Dorenkamp
Tom King
Aaron Smith
Lynn Decker
Dan Keen
Karen Neuenschwander
Joslyn Pretz
Buddy Uldrikson
Robert Carlson
Jim Hicks
Christina de Pinet
Cindy Cappel
Cindy Branham
Byron Hogan
Kirstin Koehler
Joan Fisher
Karina Lewis
Matt Replogle
Lauren Vincent
Marissa Boster
Careen Hammock
Caitlyn Fruge
Caitlin Ryan
Lanny Leach
Mary Lee Brighton Careen Hammock Robert Vincent Angi Keitel Saunya Bolton Harold McConnel Kelsey Fruge Angie Robertson


July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
June 2011


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