Welcome to the Extreme Mustang Makeover Trainer Blog. Extreme Mustang Makeover trainers are a dedicated bunch of men and women who are using their incredible talents to train these amazing horses. Here you'll be able to share in their journey as they tell their own stories of connection, triumph and victory in building their unique bond with an American Mustang. Enjoy!


Hee, hee.....that's where the magic comes in

Mustang Magic

The paint and the appy were awesome!!! They took the best ones for this event!!!


Part 2 of the Magic 13 Mustangs


This is the first of 2 videos of the Magic 13 Mustangs..who could not love them??


Hey why don't you check with Mustang Heritage and maybe someone turned it in to them??? It's worth a try, I hope you get it back!


Thanks Lauren and Rebecca! You're right, we just needed a few more days... But all is well, I'm still satisfied with Nine's performance in Fort Worth. Speaking of, we can't find my ribbon! :( I think we left it on the stall and it disappeared when my halter did (we got the halter back but didn't realize the ribbon was gone until we got home). So that sucks.


Congrats on Nine! Your picture is great! ~Rebecca & Bu


hip, hip hooray! I'm so happy for you, this is fantastic! you only needed a few more days and you would have had it! Break out the horse treats! Nine deserves one for not spooking!!! You look so GREAT up there, I love that picture....it says it ALL! Nine is just a dude with his own schedule and that's that! The smile on your face couldn't possibly get any bigger......you are AWESOME, girl!Pretty soon your little girl will be riding him! Keep on taking pictures and keep on ridin'

Sorry to change the subject...

...but I finally rode Nine today!

No bucking or spooking or anything. It was like Nine said "well finally! Took long enough for you to just do it!"

And how cool is that about Silverado?!? I met the trainer's wife and son (and daughter) in the stands while watching the Legends horse course. They are a very nice family, and I'm glad the horse got to stay with them.


Oh, my goodness! I guess we had stepped out to take care of paperwork adopting Pardon because I sure didn't know the bidding had gotten that high! Well, in one respect, it does show that Mustangs can be VERY valuable!! I'm glad MHF is helping out. It is very hard not to become attached to the mustang because they give you their whole heart and soul. Even my little one who acted, let's just say like he didn't care if I trained him or not, obeyed on cue and got very affectionate in Ft. Worth! guess he figured he'd better mind his p's & q's! lol I still would have taken him home if no one adopted him anyway (he just didn't know it!). He's so funny! I should be videoing him at all times, he's a mess! No one else knew what to do with the mineral block I gave them yesterday! I was holding in my hand (it was a small one) and he tried biting it and when that didn't work he began licking it! the other two just sniffed it! He didn't care, he liked it!! So I told him how smart he was and rubbed his head to let him know he did the right thing!

Kirstin, I'm so happy you got a trainer visit and now I want some pictures of you RIDING him! Mom, get snappin'.....love you guys.....it was wonderful being stall neighbors!

thanks Rebecca for filling me in! Hope you and Bu are enjoying one another...

Silverado and alot of others....

Silverado's trainer, from what I gathered, really wanted to bring him home for his son Carter. Silverado's family got into a bidding war with someone(?) and they ran the bidding up to 10K or so. The little boy was crying etc...

To be honest I think there were alot of trainers who wanted their horses back. Silverado's folks got media coverage because they were finalist and he went high $$$.

It is really hard when you get so attached to the horse. I know it was for me. Bu is awesome. I work with other people's horses all the time and don't get attached. I got attached to Bu because he's special. A rare find. I am sure alot of trainers felt that way...they weren't your average training horse.


I was lost also, so I had to do an internet search. If you remember, Silverado's owner wanted to take him home for his 2 year old son. The bidding for Silverado quickly climbed to $10,500. The Carters ended up winning the bid, but it was considerably higher than expected. The Mustang Heritage Foundation is going to help with the cost. What an incredible story of putting the horse before money.

Kirstin had a visit from Taz's trainer this weekend. Careen drove down from College Station to teach Kirstin the different cues she used when training Taz. What an amazing horse! Kirstin was so excited to be able to ride this horse. Careen did a wonderful job training him and we couldn't be more comfortable with Kirstin jumping on his back. She is already spoiling him and spending every spare moment with him. He already recognizes her and his neighs have replaced the neighs of Kirstin's yearlings. Kirstin's remark to me yesterday really sums up how excited she is. She said to me, "Mom, I'm riding a Mustang!" There is just something about a riding a Mustang, isn't there?
Priscilla(Kirstin's mom)


Ok, I'm lost, what's the story on Silverado?? We have Pardon with us now and my daughter rode him Saturday. He was a little nervous to be in Southwest Louisiana instead of North Carolina! But we have lots of time and loads of patience, he'll come to love his new home!! I just don't like the fact that we are losing daylight hours......always makes me sad to see summer go! I just love being able to come home from work and play with all my "friends" in the pasture...keep updating the blog and in case you haven't heard.....ALL MUSTANGS, THAT'S 100% WERE ADOPTED OUT! YIPEE!!!!! I'm glad to know everyone got a home!


Hey Guys! Thanks for all the well wishes for myself and Bu! He is a great horse and I am so glad to be able to enjoy him everyday! This experience was wonderful. I do think that trainer's should get the option of keeping their horses. I am sure people have suggested that to the MHF.

I am so glad for Karen.. and I just read the story about Silverado! Wow.. can't believe that.

Does anyone have any idea where there might be a list of what the horses went for? I am just curious.



Thought everyone might enjoy this video I took of the EMM 08 Champion. Enjoy!
Be sure and share with everyone you know!
more blogging later!!

it's all good

Christina, Kirstin's mom here. Trust me these are good tears. I'm sure my husband must of thought I was crazy at the auction because I cried when Karen's husband had the winning bid on Tripp, luckily husband was gone when you went through the arena and I thought you lost Nine to someone else. Rebecca, I thought I was going to lose it when I saw the agony on your face and then I heard Patti yell sold and announced that Bu was going home with you. I was a bigger cry baby than Kirstin. She's brave and she really didn't break down until right before we left. We got a little way down the road and she was still crying-her dad pulled off to the side of the road and took her back to Taz so that she could cry in his neck. Nothing like a horse to make you feel better, right? All's good now. She is out with Taz everyday and they seem to be bonding nicely. He neighed at her for the first time today which of course I got to hear all about when she came in from feeding him this morning. Teens are so easily distracted.
We have to figure out how we can all stay in contact. Not sure how long this blog will stay active.
I have followed it since the beginning and I feel that I have known each of you all of my life. I enjoyed meeting everyone there, you all were so nice to Kirstin. Kirstin has grown so much since starting this project. She is definitely a changed person because of this challenge. It has proven to her that she is capable of anything as long as she wants it bad enough and works hard enough for it. For most of us we don't figure that out until we are adults.

So much crying!

I'm sorry everyone! I didn't mean to make everyone emotional again!

Kirsten, I'm glad you're having a good time with Taz! I'm sure you'll learn a lot from him! I don't know where I would have been when you were trying to find me, but I was definitely around; we didn't leave until Monday afternoon (and got home 4 AM Tuesday :x Needless to say, I didn't go to school in the morning). The good news there, though, is that Weslie said Nine and the two horses he was riding with (Maxwell Smart and the yearling Agent 99) were the last there; all the other horses had been adopted!

Rebecca, I'm so glad you got to keep Bu!!! And believe me, I know how you feel about getting to keep him ;) I'm also glad you have Hercules with you! He was two stalls down from Nine and I spent a lot of time talking with his trainer (Joseph). Hercules sure does seem like a good little guy! He is very calm...

Lauren, you have a point... Where am I going to keep all the Mustang I want to keep? :P I'm actually in a bit of trouble with my dad for bringing Nine home... Daddy buys the hay and says I need to find someone to buy the donkeys now, so he can afford to keep feeding Nine... His idea is that since I'm such a "big shot" trainer (his words) that I can train the donkeys to do something cool so someone will want them, lol.

I am so happy to have met all of you, and I learned a ton! I have even reconnected with a friend here at home who used to ride with me. Then the horse she rode (my dad's Appy) died and she drifted away from me. But when she heard about me getting 6th place and having Nine returned to me she came over and we went for a really nice ride. I rode my other (how cool to say "other" because now I have two to distinguish from!) BLM gelding Hammar, and my friend rode Ashley, who is still (or again....) Nine's mare. Either way I was happy for the ride, whoever's mare she is now, lol. And today me and my friend are going out to lunch. She has big plans of moving to Oklahoma and becoming a horse trainer, so I have a feeling she'll be spending some time around me again to get back into the horse thing ;)

The point is, so much good has come from Nine coming into my life that I really don't care how little money we have left! (And let me tell you, we are completely broke!)


Christina, you've got me crying again. People can be pretty amazing, can't they? What in incredible story that you have to tell. I am sooooo glad that you got to take Nine home. I know how much you love him. I tried finding you before we pulled out, but I guess you must have been celebrating:)
Taz is amazing. My parents haven't let me ride him yet, but I have introduced him to everything on the place. We take daily walks to check out different things. I am hoping that I can convince my parents to let me ride him today. Careen, the trainer of Taz, lives a couple of hours from here and she is going to come down to teach me the cues she uses with Taz. I have never ridden a horse that has this much training(my old gelding doesn't ride by cues).
I would love to stay in touch with everyone. This has been one of the most incredible journeys I have ever made and I wouldn't trade the ups and downs of this for the world. I have learned so much not only about Mustangs, but also about me and what I can do when I put my heart and soul into something.


Rebecca, I am thrilled you got BU.....as I watched from the stands while the auctioneer said $200.00 and Patti yelled "Sold", I cried right there with you! You surely do have a friend for life......glad you made it home safely and I watched your youtube, very nice! Let's everyone keep in touch! again Congrats!!!


Christina...that is too much! I am so happy for you! I told you God would work it out for you! Now you have a great testimony for Him! this is awesome......as I read your blog, I remembered us hugging and crying trying to "be there" for each other. You amaze me young lady at your strength and your kindness. I have never met such wonderful people as I did at EMM 08. I have given Apache a few days off to just relax and "be a horse"! I plan on finishing him and making sure he gets a great home someday. He's so sweet and you could tell in Ft.Worth he knew something was up....he never was lovey dovey with me until then....like he knew I was adopting him out and he didn't want to leave me. All I can say is it's very special to have a horse that was once attitudal become such a softie! and that is exactly what he did! Christina, I know you will have a wonderful time with Nine and I'm sure he's glad you got him, too!

Hey guys out there, have you added it up yet? If each one of us does one horse per year at EMM and can't bear to part from them, by the time we really get old, we'll have our own BLM herd management issues! lol

Home from Texas!

Hey everyone!

Hi Guys!All I can say is wow! What an experience this has been! This past week has been a week of incredible highs and lows.. an emotional rollercoaster to say the least! Completely exhausting and exhilerating in the same breath!We drove to Texas.. it was a 14 hour drive! Bu handled everything like a pro! The loading, unloading, staying in a weird place with loud speakers, concrete floors..fork lifts, horses everywhere! If he wasn't broke before he definitely is now!

The coliseum was huge! We probably made 15 trips to each part of it everyday.Everyone was extremely friendly and we made some new good friends! Bu and I placed in the middle of the pack. Not as high as I would have liked, but for this competition, let me tell you; this was VERY good! We got a perfect score in the conditioning! In the in-hand class.. we ran out of time....this is what kept us from getting higher marks! The ridden class, Bu did better than I would have imagined! He opened and rode through a rope gate which we had no idea would be there! He was a trooper! We made little boo-boos in our patern, but I am extremely proud of him! What a great horse! He really, really tried for me and that is all I can ask! I have developed a lasting bond with this horse....

The highlight for me was on Sunday when I thought I might loose Bu in the auction. I couldn't help myself.. tears streamed down my face as I was bringing him to the arena. The Mustang Heritage Foundation members saw this and when I went in the area, Patti Colbert(Founder) asked them to start the bidding, the auctioneer told the crowd that I really loved this horse, they started the bidding at $200, Patti said sold via the Mustang Heritage Foundation for Rebecca Rodden!!! Bu was coming home! I can't thank them enough!!!

I want to thank everyone who donated time, or money for this experience! It was amazing! My family; Mom, Jennie, Chris, Lori, Kim, and Lisa.. you guys were phenomenol and I couldn't have done it without you!Thank you, thank you, thank you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbUXYk6ZbVILove and Cheers,Rebecca Rodden and Bucephalus
PS I inspired a friend of my sisters (Lori) to adopt one of these amazing mustangs and he came home with us as well! Hercules will be with me for awhile to conitinue his training!

We're Home, too!

Kirsten, congrats in Taz, I'm sure he'll be great for you! And he is a first place winner! Wow! I do have to correct you on something though - I was heartbroken when I went into the auction ring, true. Patti kept telling me to Cowgirl Up, but I couldn't stop crying! Then some guy came down to the edge of the arena and asked if I wanted Nine. I said I just couldn't afford him, but yes I wanted him. My 17 1/2 month old daughter was riding Nine in the pen, and the bids quickly went up to $700! Then the man in the stands said I could have Nine. They bought my horse for me! Then, of course, I was crying even harder! I paid a woman $400 (which I had to call my grandma to ask for) to haul Nine to Flagstaff. Well, they actually dropped him off at Winona, AZ, but that's closest to the house. My dad had brought the truck and trailer to Winona and left it for us, so we hauled Nine the rest of the way home (about 12 miles from there) and got here about 3:30 in the morning. I am so happy that I got to keep Nine! And he brought $700 to the Mustang Heritage Foundation! Well, $125 to the BLM and 20% to me, which leaves $435 to the MHF. I am so proud of my boy for raising that money!

Lauren, good luck finishing your yearling! When I left Weslie said all the horses and yearlings had gone home to someone, so that's good news!

Well everyone, I had a fantastic time! I seriously want to do it again next year! We are thinking of doing a yearling or two, as a family project.

We're home

What an experience. I have finally stopped crying. My 3 guys didn't do as well as I was hoping but they have all gone to great homes. The new owners are going to keep me up to date on all of them. Look at what my parents surprised me with. Meet Taz. I had mentioned that I needed a new riding horse, well here he is. Isn't he beautiful. He was trained by Careen Hammock from College Station, TX. Knowing that he was in our trailer made the trip home a little easier. I enjoyed meeting each and every one of you. Karen C-I cried when you won the bid on Tripp-I am so happy for you. Christina de Pinet-I cried when I realized that you weren't going to get to take Nine home-I know how heartbroken you are. Robert C-thanks for spending some time in the warm up arena with Mia, Matt-Johnny Landers was awesome. Lauren & Caitlyn-who ever would have thought we would be stable neighbors. It was great meeting you & your family.


Well, first let me say this was quite an experience for me and my daughter! We met some fantastic people and some gorgeous horses! What did I say about NOT bringing my yearling home??? Well, he now resides in Choupique, LA!! ha ha He was pretty young and small and didn't get adopted, so you KNOW what I had to do! I'll continue his training and perhaps he'll get adopted later. I want everyone to know what a wonderful job they did training these horses and they are to be proud of their accomplishments! All horses were winners to me!I hope everyone made and makes it home safely....until next year!


I just want to know who's in charge of bringing the Kleenex???? Sounds like we're all gonna need one(or two or three)......I know I'm not bringing mine home this time. We just got home last night around midnight but it sure was good to be HOME! Even Sadie Mae and Apache seemed glad to be back in their own pen! Could it have been because they got extra feed as a treat??? sort of a midnight snack you might say! I look forward to seeing everyone and visiting your horses! Be safe on the road!

We're Leaving Today

You're right Kirsten, it won't do any good to push now. I am sorta hoping that I can get some help in Fort Worth from some of the more experienced trainers, though! Once I'm on Nine I'm pretty sure he'll get the idea quickly.

Anyways, we're leaving in an hour or so, and Nine's not coming back :( I hope to see you all on Wednesday!

Kirsten, since you're a yearling trainer and the meetings are separate, I might not get to meet you; but I will look for your three in the barn, and I hope we can talk!

Okay, I need to stop and cry now...

Finally a picture of all 3 of my yearlings. Mia, Traveller & Halona wanted to wish all of you travelling to Ft. Worth a safe trip and we can 't wait to see everyone there.

Be Safe.

Kirstin & friends

Thanks. I agree someday she will make a great riding horse. She is already a great horse and loves people. I'm still torn about giving her up, but when my one and only riding horse injured himself about 3 weeks ago, I realized I needed another reliable riding horse.
I agree with you, why push at this point? These guys learn at their speed and it won't do any good. Enjoy the time that is left and don't stress out about it and just remember we all have done an awesome job.
Be careful on your way down to Texas. See ya soon

Last Day (Maybe)!

Kirsten, Mia looks great! She is going to be such a wonderful riding horse someday.

Me and my mom decided not to try to ride Nine today. One ride isn't going to win us anything, and we just want to have a nice last day with him. We are going to go play with him in a little while.

I decided that it was time to move from the small Albetta saddle to the normal sized leather saddle. Wasn't sure how Mia would take this. The wind was starting to kick up and she gets a little full of herself when the wind blows. She did pretty well. With the help of mom I lifted the saddle on top of her and then gradually cinched it down. I walked her around for a little while. She was really doing well, so I thought I would attempt putting my foot in the stirrup. No problem, I even put a little pressure on the stirrup before she decided to move away from me.

I hope that all of you in the hurricane area are doing alright. You are in my thoughts and prayers. We were very fortunate, the predicted weather for us didn't happen. Everything went to the east of us. Lauren & Caitlyn, I know it must of been difficult having to evacuate again so soon after the last hurricane. I hope all is well at your house & with your horses.

For a lot of you, you will be leaving soon for your trip to Ft Worth, please be safe. I can't wait to meet each and every one of you. Until later this week.


Wimpy Me

I tried to ride Nine today, but I wimped out :(

I think I need some reassurances, and since I'm not getting any here at home (no one is home right now but me and my refusing-to-go-to-sleep teething daughter), I came to y'all...

Lauren, I hope your house is alright! Your horses as well, of course!


Great on Nine's feet....we have evacuated to Lafayette, LA and housed our two babies at another trainer's, Chuck Duncan, thanks Chuck! However, another trainer, Angie Robertson, has not faired too well. this morning she almost had a tree come through her kitchen. She is emotionally reeling right now. I know we are flooded at our house up to some point in the yard, our house hopefully is okay. We need a boat to go check on our house and other horses. I am told the horses are standing in about 1 1/2 feet of water in the yard, and that the water is up to the house, but not in the house. My husband will get a boat tomorrow and check everything out.
Caitlin, hope your little one is well enough to show in Ft. Worth and we'll see you there!

Update on Nine

We had our farrier come out to trim Nine's front feet, and he ended up doing all four, and only asked for gas money! Nine's feet are nice and pretty now, and he picks up all four feet easily and without fuss. Yay!


All you trainers - be careful! Lauren, I hope your evacuation goes well. See you in Fort Worth! By the way, I think I'll be okay with the bottle of ibuprofen I have now :P My foot is doing much better, I can even walk with out a limp! With boots on!

The farrier had a last minute favor for a friend come up, so he bumped Nine's trim to today. he should be arriving any time now...

Hi Renee!

Hey Renee,

Carol, here in Stockdale. Caitlin is doing a yearling for the yearling edition. However, the baby got hurt about 2 weeks ago and it will be a down to the wire decision if she will show or not. Either way we are still going, we are keeping this Mustang as she is not only gorgeous but willing to please and will be good size, she's about 14 months and is 14.1 right now. I can't wait to see you and cheer you on!! Caity's blog is on the list under Caitlin Ryan. She's been so busy with school she hasn't had time to update it. You're doing a smart thing by not pushing your guy, but you already know that, hense you be the trainer!!! I guess my point is there are so many that would rather push too hard at the expense of blowing up the horse. But, you know as well as I these horses whether wild or domesticated can surprise us just when we think they just ain't gonna do it. Take care, I have your cell and I'll look for you in Ft Worth!!!



Yikes! Here we go again, this time running from Ike we're going to the eastern part of LA....please pray that the damages won't be too bad and electricity won't be out for long if at all....What a journey all of this has been! We're becoming professional evacuators ha ha :)

Christina, do I need to invest in an additional Sam's size ibuprofen for you??? What a big hurt that must have been......makes my feet hurt for you!Hope your ferrier visit went well.......

If we don't post again over the weekend, everyone have a safe trip to Ft. Worth and we'll see you all there! :)

Wow, Reno!

Kathy, that is amazing! What a good boy!

Yesterday Nine stepped on my foot again... But this time I was wearing flats - basically a shoe that sucks for getting stepped on :P The hoof made direct contact with my foot, and it started bleeding everywhere! Luckily, today it is bruised a lot but nothing is broken. So I am definitely using that Sam's Club size bottle of Ibuprofen!

Nine is supposed to get his feet trimmed today, but the farrier hasn't shown up yet... I suspect he stopped for lunch somewhere. Nine is doing really well with his back feet! After I got stepped on yesterday my fiance did a lot of work with the horse - I think he might have been a bit peeved at Nine for hurting me :P Anyways, Fiance got Nine lifting up his back feet really well! Today I even picked them up, and he is finally surrendering those feet to me ;) So maybe we might even get his back feet filed a bit. They don't need much of a trim, but we can get them looking nicer perhaps :P


OMG!! those pictures are awesome! He looks like an old pro......we just have to listen to them and stop placing time constraints on them! Sounds like God is leading you and you're listening! Keep on doing what you do! He looks like he totally adores kids!

The Change in Reno

Lauren and Renee,

You are both so right.. it is about the mustangs!! Who knows, we might all be surprised at how they react once we get them down there.
Yesterday I took Reno out into the arena and just let him play. He ran and ran and picked up things and tossed them around. It was awesome to see! Then when he was done... he just came up to us and it was as if he was say... "OK mom, I am ready to work now."
He was so different, and mellow... we ended up putting my friend's twins on him bareback... then I got on as well. He was absolutely amazing! I don't know where we will go from here, since the competition is next week, but I am going to try and play around a little bareback on him at home... I still don't know if I will get on him in Ft. Worth or not. I will take it a day at a time and let him tell me if he is up for it or not once we get there.

I am including some of my favorite pics from yesterday... they say it all don't they!

Thanks to everyone for the support advice!!!!



yes, he is a wonderful horse and quite handsome as well! I agree with you, let's go to Ft. Worth and do the best we can do in the arena and potiental adopters will able to speak to us first hand to find out where we are....reality, we are giving these horses the best start possible! I know everyone that has joined with EMM has so much love for these animals, and that's the BEST start they can get! Hope you're alright from the kickin'....I know that hurt! Just keep on keepin' on!You're doing a great job!

Glad I'm not the only one!

I haven't posted in a long time, but in reading some of the other posts here, I see that I'm not the only one in some of these situations! Nemo is not under saddle yet - he's just not one of those horses that can be "done" in 100 days. He's come along great, but not there yet. It's easy to start feeling over-confident with him, as some days he's absolutely wonderful with everything, then the next day it's like he's forgotten everything. I trailered him with my mares to drill team practice the other night - his first real night out - and got kicked trying to get him out of the trailer. My fault, but reminds me just how far he has to go.

We've worked on a lot of things, but our biggest problem is and has been those back feet! He will actually hand me his front feet if I just touch his leg, and I can pick up the back feet without him jerking them away, but any time the fear returns those back feet start kicking. I thought we had that under control, but obviously not...

I will be going to FW and do the best I can. He's still a wonderful horse - he just needs time.....


Back feet getting a little better, maybe in 8 days he'll be ready! Seems like we are all down to the wire and unsure how these babies will act around a crowd.....it will be interesting!
Bu IS looking good!
Christina, Nine's pics looked good. Can't believe the time is come already!
Kathy, Hope things are going better for you and there were people last time that didn't ride, just did in hand, so relax, you've made major progress! I know it's not what you hoped for, but look at what you HAVE done! Amazing!!
Stacey, so sorry we won't get to meet, but do let us know if you get to adopt Rio.

Kathy & Stacey

Kathy - Nine and I had a similar but less drastic problem with his hind right foot after he kicked me. He is getting better, but very slowly. He still flinches when I touch it, but no longer strikes, and I am less and less afraid.

What I would suggest to you is to try to make it to Fort Worth, compete in what you can, and if you still can't ride, fine. Someone will want to adopt him, and you just need to tell them the problems you are having so they know what to work through. He needs time. Unfortunately there isn't much more time in this competition, but Reno has time later. If you aren't his adopter, then all you need to do is make sure whoever his adopter is, knows what he needs. That is what I would suggest to you (to everyone for that matter - the new owners need to know what these horses have and have not been through).

Stacey - you are doing so great with Rio Gato! I was looking forward to see you and him in action, but you have to do what you have to do. I hope you get to adopt Rio, because you two make and excellent team.

Bu's looking great, by the way!

As for Nine, I let him and my mare Ashley have a free day today - I ponied Nine around (translation - me and Ashley dragged Nine, because he was trying to eat the whole time) so he could see the fence all along the edge of our property, then turned them loose. I expected to see some running and frolicking, but the mostly just scavenged old hay that blew out of the pens...

Thanks so much for the advice

Hello to all that offered words of advice,

Thanks a lot.

I will try and spend some quiet time in prayer and do my best to listen to what God is telling me. I guess I have gotten this far for a reason...

Thanks again!

Blessings to all,


Hi All.. I have not posted in awhile...Kathy I have some tips that might help you if you would like some advice. You can e-mail me at horstrainir123@aol.com

Looking forward to Texas!

Rebecca & Bu

Final hours

this journey with Rio Gato, in which some parts i thought would never end, seem to wrap up and come together all in the final days before fort worth. The hardest reality is that unfortunatly we couldnt pull it together financially to make this trip. This has been an emotional rollercoaster and after times i felt like we had no business even showing up, now We are finally ready to shine only to fall short of our financial goals. With 30 head of horses depending on me at home and the other responsabilities that have been laid upon me Rio Gato and Myself will have to graciously sit this one out.

We are now focusing on the december Women Luv Horses Challange in city of industry Ca. I am working on adopting Rio Gato, and using him to promote the cause anywhere I can. California Riding Magazine has asked me to do a story on these mustang challanges and my experience with it. It will be turned in october 1st and shall run later this fall just in time for the december event.


With all you've been through lately, perhaps that's carrying over. Do you have a special way that you relax? Sounds to me that your biggest problem is what he's sensing from you, but you already knew that.....How about spending some time with him saddled up and in full gear just walking all around enjoying nature for a little bit and don't forget to talk to him while you're walking. He'll listen to your concerns, expectations, hopes and dreams! They are really wonderful for that! I know I probably sound silly, but hey what have you got to loose? Just try to focus on how much you HAVE accomplished with him so far. Not all "kids" have a time frame but ya still love 'em! I wish you all the best and maybe someone out there has some "tricks" you can try! Good luck :)


Hi I'm Kirstin's mom. I know that you are looking for direction here, but unfortunately, you are the one who ultimately needs to make that decision. I feel your frustration and I know that yours is probably deeper set than some due largely to the time that Reno blew up on you. Kirstin's has dealt with similar issues, but more on her level as a trainer of yearlings. She thinks that everything is going great and then the wild comes back-rears it's ugly head so to speak. It can be, to say the least, very scary. When Mia bolted on her the other day, the look on Kirstin's face was heartbreaking. I know that she felt so confident heading down the lane to go to the tank, but when Mia reared & bolted from her, I think it really scared Kirstin because it was a side that she never really saw before. Kirstin felt that she really messed up, this was the first time that she had lost control of any of her yearlings. But then she trains the next day and it's like nothing happened. I know exactly what you are thinking-she's just has to train to halter and you are given a much harder task-training to ride. But just the same, what all of you trainers are doing, I say doing, because none of you are completely where you would like to be, is still awesome. 100 days to train a wild horse to ride. It is still amazing even if you only compete in the halter competition. I can guarantee that no one there will judge you or any one else that has accepted this challenge. You are right that this is not about you and I hope that you don't look at it as a reflection of you either. This is about the horse, each one of these horses are different and they have to advance at their pace, not ours. So your's needs a little more time, I am sure that there will be plenty more there needing more time.
I wish that there was a clear cut answer here. But there isn't. So much to factor in; distance, time, stress. Like I said only you can make that decision. But, I promise you this: no one there will judge you based on what you have or have not done. Why? Because regardless; what you have done is amazing. Remember you have taken this horse from where he was when you picked him, to where he is today and I guarantee that he is far better off today than he was back then.

Seeking Advice

Hi All,

I am very frustrated with myself at this moment. I can't seem to get any further along with Reno. I really want to ride him, but when I get my foot in the stirrup my fear comes flying in and he just darts off the other direction.

It seems that no matter how much time and desensitizing I do with him, he is still full of fear. He is always on edge. Does anyone else have this problem?

I am trying to decide if it is even worth taking him to Fort Worth if the only class I can take him in is the body condition class. I am in the Stars division. I know this is about the horse, and not me... does that mean I shouldn't put him through the stress of being out there in the middle of all of the new noises if he is still full of jumpy fear here?

Any advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!


I know you have been working really hard with your three! I had to laugh about Mia "breaking out", we have the same problem with Caitlyn's (Sadie Mae) horse! I let her and mine (Apache) out in the yard on Saturday to just graze at will with their lead ropes on. I was by myself and sure wanted to be able to catch them again! lol Closed off everything where they were contained but always have the fear of them jumping a low gate! After my heart raced a couple of times, they settled down, but they sure did look pretty running and playing! Of course, no camera.......hard to juggle everything! Keep up your hard work and I look forward to meeting you!

Here is Mia is one of the obstacles that I practice with. This is more difficult than you can imagine. I walk her into the square, make her stop and then pivot her 360 degrees. She isn't suppose to come outside or the square, but she is so long bodied and not very graceful. She tries hard not to hit the post, but usually she nicks them.

This Traveller meeting my mom's chocolate lab-Eli. Our other horses don't like the dogs-they usually chase them around, so Eli getting this close to Traveller is great.

Here I am with Halona. We had just finished training and I was sitting on top of one of the barrels. We had a great day training and you can see that in both of our faces. Halona almost appears to be smiling. She is really starting to come around nicely and is finally starting to form a bond with me.

hey there

Boy, what a weekend. I decided yesterday that I was going to try to take Mia down to our tank. She loves to play in her water trough, so I wanted to see what she would do in a tank(some call it a pond). Boy, what a mistake. Mia doesn't like the woods that surround our place and I temporarily forgot about that. We got just to the edge of our woods and then she lost it. It didn't help that Halona was back at her pen neighing at her. I decided that I should turn around and head back home, but it wasn't soon enough for Mia. She started rearing up, I tried to hang on, but off she went. I have never really seen this horse run full out. Boy, was she gorgeous at a full run-smooth & fast, but she scared the dickens out of me. I just knew that she wouldn't know what to do when she got to the end of our lane and a closed gate. Luckily my dad was welding(which doesn't bother her in the least bit) in a pen at the end of the lane and he had left the gate open. She got to the end of the lane and made the sharpest turn ever straight into that pen. No harm, at least physically speaking. I was a little shook up because I have never seen this side of her. She is normally so laid back and getting her to trot is an act of congress.
Traveller and Halona have also been a little on the spunky side. I'm sure they sense something. We try to trot and all of them think it is time to kick up there heels and play. I guess it is going to be back to the round pen of them. I just hope they decide to behave themselves at the competition.
These past couple of weeks have been a real challenge. I sometimes forget that I have only been working with them for 3 months and expect so much from them. Sometimes I take their behavior for granted and then they remind me that they were once wild and that they are still processing this gentling thing. It's so funny though, when they mess up big time and they get tied up or put back in their pens, they seem to be sulking-almost as if to say I promise I'll be good just come back here.
For those of you who care, competition is just 11 days away. Like none of us are counting down the days? We plan on arriving on Wednesday 9/17. Figure an extra day would be good for the little ones to process everything that will be going on, hopefully getting them adjusted to the hoopla of the show environment. I was wanting to take them to a show but never got the chance. Hopefully, that won't jump up and bite me.
My guy & gals have a Vet appointment on Friday for their health certificates. Christina-wished you had my vet, he will only charge us for the health certificate-no office charge. But, mom & dad funnel quiet a bit of money his way-with 6 horses, 20 or so cows, 4 dogs, 3 cats, we can't help it.

Vet Certificate

Nine went to the vet again today, this time to get his health certificate. The vet barely even needed to look at Nine, presumably because he did an in-depth exam a couple weeks ago and knows Nine is is good health. So, we looked at his previous health cert. and determined his Coggins test is still up-to-date, and the vet signed the little paper and charged me 40-something dollars! Yay! All is well, though, because I need that little piece of paper.

But Nine loaded really well, and stood nicely while we got hay. We loaded it into the back of the trailer, so he only had a divider between him and his favorite thing in the world. But he behaved himself while we drove home and unloaded the hay, then Nine unloaded and went back into his round pen easily. I think we'll do okay when we get to Texas :)


Shelby, where are you??? Is Dena okay??What did doc say?? I know, too many questions...it's just that we haven't heard from you and getting worried about you! I sure hope you're behaving and remembering all of your lessons! Dena needs all your attention right now and you have to work really hard so she won't have to! Just wanted to let you know we missed you!

Nine, Poor Nine!

Poor Nine, having to go through the "rough" days of the month! Christina, wise to wait if that's what you thought might happen!Seems like most of us have had obstacles we have had to overcome in our training........but it's made us better and stronger people and definitely in tune with our mustangs!I know you have a lot of demands with school, your daughter, Nine and trying to feed all the other animals and fit in training time, Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it all! lol Hang in there, you've got fortitude! (or something like that!) and just remember YOU ROCK!


I, too am sorry to hear about the loss of your job, but I'm sure you already know that when God closes one door, he opens a new one (or a window). He has something in store for you, even if it was to be able to spend more time with Reno for these last few days! Lots of dry beans, will fill you up and not cost a lot! (Hey, I've been there many times, lol!) Who knows, maybe you'll be spotted at the EMM and someone will want you to work for them, and you're free to do so! There is ALWAYS a silver lining to all clouds, you just have to look into the sun to see it! I do wish you luck in finding a sponsor, so bring a photo of Reno and your smiling face and hit the streets! Hey, do you have any kids?? You could ask WalMart to sit outside collecting donations! just a thought, or how about a car wash??? I know you'll get something going, just don't think any idea is too silly or won't work.......it only doesn't work if you don't try it!! Good luck and keep us posted! YOU are AWESOME!!!!

Christina and Nine

Kathy, I'm sorry about your job! I wish you the best in getting a sponsor. That sure would help me, too!

Kirsten, I tried that method, but did better with a lunge whip. It was just easier for me to get the "loop" around his pastern when half of it was stiff, lol. Now Nine is actually decent about his hind feet even without the rope/whip:

That picture is from today.

Lauren, as always, your words of encouragement brightened my day! Thanks. I had the opportunity to ride today, and was planning on it (hence the helmet in the picture - I forgot to take it off!) but the demons of my femininity struck (read: I was an irritable and unpredictable monster due to my period), and I was afraid to try. I didn't want to loose my temper and get thrown! Hopefully I will be back under control soon.

Nine has his vet appointment tomorrow to get his health certificate. We have been working on his loading, and he is doing so good! Read my blog for full details and pictures.



Thanks for the words of encouragement. Reno and I take a step closer each day. We will actually have more time to be together because I got laid off yesterday from my job. I knew it was coming, I was just hoping it would last until I left for the competition.

A friend of mine is trying to find me a major sponsor, which would make my life a lot easier at this time. We will just have to wait and see what God has in store for me.

Best of luck to you and everyone else, and I am really looking forward to meeting everyone!



thanks for the suggestion on picking up rear hooves. I had kinda tried doing that with Apache, but because of weather always got interrupted.....I'll be doing that method again today, I've got him to where he gives me front feet with no problem, just have a few days left to get those back ones! Keep on practicing......
Kathy..it's okay not to ride, if that's where you are....we will be so PROUD of you for what you have accomplished with Reno! you have nothing to feel bad about! We will be there to cheer you on!
Christina...I sure hope you get the opportunity to hop on Nine real soon! Remember, don't feel rushed, just stay steady and to the course and you'll be amazed how things fall into place for you! All of the trainers that have blogged seem to be a unique group of people with an amazing love for the mustangs......keep up the GREAT work, all of you!

Rear Hooves

Christina, Kathy and anyone else still experiencing rear hoof problems. You probably already know this, but I thought I would throw it out there just the same. I still have occasional problems with my 3 yearlings and their rear hooves, but for the most part we have worked through the major issue of kicking out. I use a long soft cotton rope. Wrap it around the hoof and use that to pull the hoof up. Do that several times until your horse is pulling it up with ease. At that point I pull the hoof up and then hold it with my hand and rub up and down their leg. I'll do that several times and then I will add tapping the hoof and after that I try to pick out the hoof. It works most of the time and my three are cooperating pretty well. Granted they are only yearlings and your guys pack a much more powerful punch. Picking up with just the rope didn't seem to do much, I had to get my hands on them for them to make the connection. They aren't perfect at picking them up, but they are starting to get it. Hope this helps a little.


Kathy, I haven't ridden Nine at all yet, but I feel he's ready. All I am waiting for is someone to watch my daughter, and someone else to watch me! In the event that I get hurt I want someone nearby, unhindered by my toddler. Which means... possibly tomorrow! If all goes well, I will definitely ride at Fort Worth. I am looking forward to it! Nine also fights for his back feet, but today he was doing much better. He let me rub his entire leg, both legs, and even let me pick up his hoof with my hand enough to slip the rope off his pastern. that is a huge breakthrough for both of us, because we had a bad experience when I held on to Nine's leg, which made him panic and kick me...



Thank you for the kind words. I am glad that Nine is cooperating in the trailer. Are you going to ride him in Ft. Worth? I don't think I am going to be able to ride Reno. I will probably just show in the "in hand" classes. Unless of course... a major miracle takes place within the next few weeks.

Reno is great at getting into the trailer, but he wants to come flying out when we are done. I have been working with him but it is a challenge. He is great at picking up the front feet but fights the back feet. I am going to get his feet trimmed next week and that should prove to be interesting!!!

I can't wait to meet everyone at the competition. I am in total awe of how far many people have come with their mustangs. I beat myself up a lot because Reno and I are not farther along... but then I just stop and remember this is about them and not us!

Keep up the good work and I will see you in a few weeks - God willing



What a great article! I am seriously crying right now. I understand how you feel about things. I have no idea how I am going to pay to get to Texas, and I have given up thinking that I can afford to buy Nine. I hope you the best, and I hope you can buy Reno so you can be with him.

In today's Nine News, I got Nine into the trailer again, this time without help! He stayed in for an hour and a half, eating. Then he didn't want to come out, but I realized that was because the sun was right in his eyes and he couldn't see the step...

Reno and Kathy Make Front Page of Paper!

Wild horse brings out woman's dreams

Kathy Dayton had nothing left. Her confidence was gone, her business was buried under a pile of bills, and the banks were going to snatch her house.

She was a scared, shaken human being. All she had left were dreams, and even those were fading.

Then one day, Dayton, 45, of rural Pierce, checked her mail, and her biggest dream came back in a flash, like the blur of a mustang she was going to train. It was a letter from the Extreme Mustang Makeover competition. She was selected as one of 300 across the country to train a wild mustang and make him available for adoption.

The rules are simple. You get the horse and 100 days to work with him, and then you compete during the weekend of Sept. 18-21 in Fort Worth, Texas.

Dayton hardly felt strong enough to train an unpredictable, wild horse, but again, that dream was all she had.

Up until a year ago, she trained horses at her Lazy K Corral for a living. Her grandfather lived four miles down the road from her sprawling ranch with the view of Longs Peak and the endless sunsets and long, dirt road to seemingly nowhere. She was on ponies since she could walk.
She was married for 18 years but halfway through that, in Parker, she got a horse, and once she did that, she knew horses were what she was supposed to do.

That is, that's what she thought, until she took a bad fall off a horse and shattered her right arm. She recovered from that. Then her boyfriend and business partner left. Then she got tossed from a colt in April and shattered her wrist. She has so much titanium in her arms now that some call her the Bionic Woman. She cashed in her 401K and got an intern to keep it going. Then a $10,000 mare died. And the economy went sour and no one, it seemed, could afford to get their horses trained any longer, and she lost everything, her truck, her beloved ranch and her belief in herself.

Everything was telling her to quit horses. She went back to work in the real world as an event planner.

Then she got the acceptance letter for an application she had forgotten she sent last spring, and she met Reno.

Reno, the coal-black wild mustang from Reno, Nev., looked at her through wild, almost crazy, eyes. He reared when she approached. It seemed hopeless.

"Something was telling me not to quit," Dayton said, "and the message was pretty strong then that I shouldn't."

The program helps keep the wild herds healthy by culling the numbers down, but the horses are indeed wild at first.

But slowly, she earned his trust, through labor, love and a little bit of old-fashioned, leathery toughness. She stomped at his shed, establishing her as the boss, and then, later, tried to hug him. It took a long time, but Reno began to accept the hugs and the groundwork required of all mustangs. She will ride him occasionally, using the deep breathing a friend taught her to control her fear, but not in the competition.

There are always setbacks. He threw her the other day, and it still hurts. A lot. But he feels what she feels. If she's angry, he stays away, and if she's scared, sometimes he nudges her.

It will cost her every dime to her name, and maybe a few donations, and some loans, to get him down to Fort Worth for the show. But now she can't imagine giving him up. Reno taught her not to give up on horses or on herself.

"Even though this was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, I have learned I can do this," she said, "and that is completely amazing in itself."

So she hopes to apply for some grants to have enough money to buy Reno when he is auctioned off on the competition's final day.

"Over the Rainbow" is the callback music you get when you dial her cell phone. The lyrics are about hope and dreams that you dare to dream. Dayton's finally daring once again.

How to help
Sandi Carr, a friend of Kathy Dayton's, is setting up a donation fund to help her get to Forth Worth, Texas, and possibly keep her mustang. To help, e-mail carrtwinsmom@msn.com or donate money through Paypal at crrottweilers@msn.com.

Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


Hey Christina and Nine,
keep on plugging, you CAN do it! I know all about interruptions...lol and I have to agree with you about the nervous part! I'm practicing very hard on focusing! ha ha We have such big name judges to go in front of! I hope they know I'm just an amateur! I can't believe it's almost time to go!

Christina and Nine

Those pictures on the beach are great! Nine let me lay over his back again today. I felt I might have been able to get on properly, but my daughter woke up, and it was time to feed the animals anyways. So, not much work lately... Perhaps on Thursday.

By the way Lauren, I also hope Hammar lives a long time! I think he will, though. I have only shown horses a few times, and always at little local events, never anything like Fort Worth will be! I am SOOOO nervous!!!!!


Gustav is GONE! We went to Angie's house in Moscow, TX and spent a few days with her! She's training a yearling and training a "big boy"! They are sooooooo cute and many, many thanks to all for the prayers and especially to Angie for taking our yearlings in and helping us keep them safe. We are back at home today (Tuesday) and WOW just 14 more days! I was finally able to catch up on the blogs and everybody is doing so well, I can't wait to meet everyone! Keep up the good work and let's just do our best! Boy, it's sooooo good to be home! We had a couple of trees down, but house and all other animals doing well!
God Bless and Keep You All!

I can't do this with just any horse!

Shelby you better behave yourself-take it from a teenager time out is no fun. Dena will be up and about before you know it.

Lauren, Caitlyn and others in the hurricane area; I hope all went well and that none of you were displaced because of it. You are all in my prayers.

Kris & Nik the video was great. Your horses are looking good.

As for me, I continue with training my 3 mustang yearlings. We haven't hit any snags yet all seems to be going great. Traveller has become such a sweet gentleman. I couldn't believe that he let me lay on him like this, he was quite comfortable(mom caught us catnapping). This from a horse I couldn't touch until 7/12. I have been working on trailering all 3 and they are all walking on like it is nothing(the picture is of Halona walking onto the trailer by herself). We continue to work the obstacle course and working on the trot at a lead. Things are coming together nicely.
Not that anyone needs to be reminded, but just 2 weeks before we all meet in Ft. Worth. I can't wait to meet all of you. See ya in Texas.


Rock n S update from Shelby

Hi everyone!
Gee, I'm getting a little restless these days. Dena can only come down and visit occasionally and Jd keeps me in shape, but my whole training regimen is upside down. Now I'm just bored. I got so bored the other night that I bit JD on his foot. I don't know why I did it and I think I hurt him (just a little bit), but I couldn't help myself and he had it right there in reach. What's a girl to do? I felt really bad after I did it and he let me know I was in trouble. He said something about me being in time out, but I don't know what that is. He also had a few other choice words, but he's so nice all the time, I told myself I won't ever do that again. Dena seems to be getting better, she's hobbling around more at the barn with someone who helps her feed and she even gives riding lessons to a little boy on a white pony. It's cute watching them ride around her wheelchair. But she told me she can't work with me that way right now because I'm so young and she wants to at least be on her feet. She also said she hopes that next week we'll be working together again after the dr. talks to her and does more x-rays. I don't know what those are, but if they're good, we'll be playing together again. I can't wait!



Check the links below to visit additional blogs by our great EMM Trainers!

Mary Berlauk
Caroline Lynch
Diane Ward
Randy Speegle
Kelsey Hooper
Mary Miller Jordan
Holly Davis
Pat Fredericksen
Lonnie Aragon
Kalyn Dixon
Matthew & Christen Bonn
Cindy Branham
Mary Gates
Heath Marshall
Jessica Dabkowski
Andraya Lee
Karina Lewis
Janet Titus
Alyssa Radtke
Jamie Thomas
Jenna Nelson
Blake Ovard
Ethan Lee
Matthew Clauson
Becky Brown
Robbie Daughtry
David Padgett
Helena Hattendorf
Brock Griffith
Rebecca Rodden
Jessica Frantz
Emily Thomas
Maygan Nelson
Dale Lively
Amber Rain Matthewson
Davin Rudy
Lorrie Grover
Nik & Kris Kokal
Rita McMillan
Serena Johnson
Kelly Haydon
Sue Watkins
Jennifer & Becky White
Kristy Reed
Michelle Myers
Siobhan O'Connell
Marsha Hartford
Kevin Sink
Tracey Westbury
Tracey Westbury
Kristina Ellis
Weston & Jasmine Ison
Heidi Banks
Wess Hicks
Michelle Stemerick
Heath Marshall
Jimmy Thomas
Karen Cooper
Judy Ballenger
Judy Dorenkamp
Tom King
Aaron Smith
Lynn Decker
Dan Keen
Karen Neuenschwander
Joslyn Pretz
Buddy Uldrikson
Robert Carlson
Jim Hicks
Christina de Pinet
Cindy Cappel
Cindy Branham
Byron Hogan
Kirstin Koehler
Joan Fisher
Karina Lewis
Matt Replogle
Lauren Vincent
Marissa Boster
Careen Hammock
Caitlyn Fruge
Caitlin Ryan
Lanny Leach
Mary Lee Brighton Careen Hammock Robert Vincent Angi Keitel Saunya Bolton Harold McConnel Kelsey Fruge Angie Robertson


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